Participation in the ESCORT project

MKM SERVICE Ltd. is proud to announce its participation in the ESCORT project, funded by Horizon Europe 2020, a key EU program for research and innovation.

The ESCORT project brings together the experience of leading healthcare providers from five European and one associated Member State specializing in emergency care and offering regular healthcare services in six countries. The aim of the project is to integrate innovative solutions proven in the NO-FEAR provider network and develop innovative digital services to successfully demonstrate the deployment of advanced health and care services that meet the needs of patients. The project will also develop a case study-based learning methodology to train health and care professionals in the use of advanced medical solutions. The implementation of the co-design process will allow the ESCORT consortium to work closely with multiple stakeholders to develop patient-centered services.
The ESCORT project aims to implement outstanding advances in technology to improve patient care services using artificial intelligence to enhance patient experience and increase the sustainability of European health and care services. The innovations delivered by the project will help to develop the project’s ethics policy interventions based on the evidence collected and analyzed during the pilot studies. To achieve these goals, the project will adopt an approach whereby the consortium will make new research contributions that go beyond the current state of the art in three areas: advances in IoT and wearable devices for remote patient monitoring; advances in AI; and reliable AI lifecycle management.
Specific objectives of ESCORT:
- Organise a large-scale survey of health care organisations regarding operational readiness for emergency medical care and regular patient care.
- Conduct a systematic assessment of the requirements for cross-border operational coordination between healthcare professionals and service providers, citizens and patients.
- Implementation of AI algorithms to provide high-quality services to patients.
- Deployment of advanced AI technologies in emergency medical services (EMS) to provide cross-border services to patients.
- Integrating IoT smart devices, wearables, and peripherals to develop digital patient services.
- Demonstration of effective and positive project results to improve cross-border patient services.
- Development of training services to interact with advanced artificial intelligence, providing patient-centred healthcare services for healthcare and care professionals.
- Adopting international standards to promote cross-border healthcare management.
For more information about the project, please follow the link: